15 November

Mark and Lisa brought home a maxi-size KFC bucket. There was enough to feed an army. They encouraged the children to drink pop and have seconds of ice-cream. Jack sensed a moment of weakness and asked for a puppy again. Mark held Lisa’s hand. He muttered that he was right by her side. But he looked more sick than she did in the mornings.

‘Are you splitting up?’ Jack asked when he saw the junk food and fizzy pop.

‘No, no,’ Lisa said, somewhat bothered by his train of thought.

‘Are you pregnant?’ Paula asked the question but then laughed out loud. She clearly did not see it as a serious possibility. Kerry glared at Lisa and Mark, waiting for them to admit the truth.

‘Er. Yes,’ said Lisa.

The laughter stopped.

‘I hate you,’ both the younger children said at once.

‘To think that in the past you’ve prayed that they’d agree on something,’ said Kerry. Lisa thought Kerry was enjoying this. She still hadn’t forgiven Lisa for thinking she was the one having an unplanned baby.

‘I thought you liked Mark,’ said Lisa. And that was a bit tactless, considering he was in the room.

‘We do. It’s just that now everyone will know you’re still having sex,’ said Paula. She was fighting tears.

‘People might have thought so anyway. I’m only forty-two.’ Lisa tried to stay calm.

‘There’s no only about it. You’re really, really old,’ said Paula.

Lisa was getting used to people saying this. An odd thing was happening though, because the more people said it, the less she believed it.

‘You’re old and disgusting,’ added Jack. ‘I’m going to live at Dad’s.’

Lisa wanted to tell him that his dad had sex too, but she couldn’t be that cruel.

Paula and Jack got up and marched out of the room. Paula slammed the door with great force. A crack ran from the door-frame across the ceiling.

‘That didn’t go too badly,’ said Mark.

‘Rather well, considering,’ added Kerry.

Lisa asked Mark to pass the chips. She wished she was the sort of woman who ate less under stress.