William Burke
Bondage slave niece
The bell above the door rang and Melissa rose to answer the summons of her cruel mistress, Diane DeMarrow. She quickly stood, spun on her heels and turned to leave the tack room.
"Oh, my God!" Melissa gasped as she found herself looking into the evil brown eyes of Bruce. Bruce was blocking the doorway, standing up straight, with his arms crossed and leering at her with a look of lust pasted to his handsome face.
"Well, hello there Melissa," Bruce hissed. He licked his lips and surveyed the curvaceous lines of her body. Then he stared right at her, piercing her eyes and making her shudder with fear.
He was certainly a good-looking man, she thought. A big man, with a massive chest, muscular arms and a thick shock of black hair on his head. Yes, Bruce was handsome. But he sure was a mean son of a bitch.
"I think it would be a very good idea for you to suck my cock, Melissa. I'm in a rather sexy mood and your cute little mouth will satisfy me for the present. So get down on your knees and suck my prick, you little wench!" As Bruce spoke, he pulled his big, thick cock out of his pants and wagged it obscenely in front of him.
Melissa dropped to her knees and, after pushing aside the black leather riding boot that she had been cleaning when Bruce first startled her, she glanced up at him. A tear ran dawn her cheek. She felt so degraded, so terribly humiliated, but she knew that Bruce would force her td suck his prick. She had no choice at all. If she refused his depraved demands, he would beat her. She reached for his cock, but he slapped her hands away brutally.
"You stupid slut," he said. "You'll suck my cock, but you'll just have to wait a little bit." At that, Bruce stepped forward and pressed his bulbous cock-tip into her eye. He moved his prick slowly over her face, stabbing it into her other eye and jabbing it into her nostril. Then his yoke thundered with a loud sadistic laugh.
Feelings of fear and hate welled up inside of the debased woman. Suddenly the bell rang again. Melissa gasped. She knew that Diane must be growing very angry at having to wait after ringing for her! If only Bruce would leave her alone.
"Bruce, please let me go," Melissa pleaded. "Diane just rang for me again. If I don't go at once, I'll be in real trouble." Melissa was begging now, hoping that he would take pity on her.
"You dumb bitch. You're not going anywhere until you suck my cock." He pressed his cock-tip against her closed lips and rubbed his member lewdly across her straight row of sparkling white teeth. "Now suck my cock! Now!" he commanded. "And suck it right or you'll be damned sorry, you stupid cunt."