Virginia Wade
Cum For Bigfoot
Chapter One
Winter had been a difficult time for the tribe, as several of our beloved apes had perished battling Bigfoot hunters. The persistence of the intruders was breathtaking, their boldness astounding, and the damage they inflicted permanent. Archie and Tate were dead, and Leonard had been injured. His wounds were slow to heal, leaving him cranky and in pain for months.
As the snow thawed and spring became summer, we had settled south, following a traditional Sasquatch pattern. Mike had been with us for weeks, but he had returned home to start work and take care of the house. I would see him again in a month. Daisy had stayed with me. The toddler walked and babbled, while her brothers Lendal and Bubba Jr. entertained and watched over her. They also corralled Wolfie, who was a fuzzy mess of a baby ape, and so curious, he got himself into trouble nearly every day. He had recently climbed a western hemlock, following a squirrel, and gotten stuck at the top. Lendal had to retrieve him, and we had been terrified that they would both fall to their deaths.
My sister, Lena, had returned home to sign up for her second semester of college. The time she had spent in the mountains seemed to have matured her dramatically. She had been through quite an ordeal, from the initial shock of the kidnapping, the Sasquatch seduction, and the fight for survival.
Her appreciation for indoor plumbing, restaurants, and shopping malls had led to an attitude of gratitude, and the realization that although school was annoying, nothing could be as bad as roughing it in the woods with a bunch of prehistoric creatures.
I had forgiven the fact that she had slept with Leonard. It was to be expected after all. Being blonde and gorgeous, my lover had taken to her like a bee to honey, indulging in an all time favorite activity: sex. The tribe shared its women at orgies, and jealousy was useless, seeing that we were all treated equally and lusted after regularly.
Once Leonard’s wounds had healed, we had fallen into a familiar pattern, living as we had before.
However, the fear was that the media would overrun us, but the government had quieted the entire affair, effectively silencing those who knew of the Sasquatches’ existence. How they had done this was a mystery, but it had kept the incident out of the headlines, and, for that, I was grateful.
We had settled in a lowland valley, peppered with maples, red alders, and pretty rhododendrons.
Zelda and Leslie had taken the boys to a lake, with Daisy, while I picked blackberries, enjoying the lazy afternoon in peace and quiet. Being the mountain woman I had become, I wore sturdy hiking shoes that gripped the terrain and sandy-colored shorts, which held various pockets for things like a small knife, a flashlight, and mini binoculars. The elder apes were hunting deer, as we planned a feast tonight to celebrate Bubba’s birthday. The leader of the Sasquatches had been feeling slightly under the weather, and he had slowed down considerably, but he appeared to be on the mend.
The snapping of a branch caught my attention, and I crouched, hiding behind a bush. This was an involuntary reflex, safety having been programed into my consciousness over the years. I was careful not to make too much noise on my walks, for fear of other tribes or predatory creatures. Movement turned my attention in another direction, seeing an ape striding towards me. It was Pooky.