Veronica King
Brenda_s last fling
Steve feared his free-loving life would be too much for the pretty niece who came to visit. Wrong! She was too much for him-his pals as well!
Brenda gazed in awe at the apartment, unable to believe that it was actually hers. She had seen it before, of course, when she came up with the rental agent, but then she had been looking for basics such as good plumbing and a decent refrigerator. Now reality sank in. It was swinging, psychedelic and somehow wicked.
Her head turned slowly to the corner where a double bed mattress sat on the floor. It was covered with a leopard-skin spread and plump, soft pillows. She wondered what the girl who had lived here was like. How could she entertain people, men, with that sexy, inviting bed staring at them?
She jumped as the doorbell pierced the silence. She stared at the paneled door, unable to move. It couldn't be for her… she knew no one in New York… she had just arrived in town… she…
"Ginny? Are you home?"
It was a male voice, deep and authoritative, followed by another demanding blast on the bell. Forgetting everything she had heard about opening doors to strangers in big cities, Brenda hurried into the foyer. Besides, it was no stranger; he had called for "Ginny", the girl who had lived here before.
She opened the door and saw a rugged, handsome face half-lost in the shadows of the hallway. He was smiling expectantly but his smile froze in surprise as he saw her.
"Oh… Where's Ginny?"
Brenda stammered in confusion as he stepped closer. "She's… not here. I sublet the apartment yesterday."
"You mean she's moved?" he demanded. "Just gone?"