Virginia K. G. Ryder
Little Kimberly_s Family Fun
I was only a somewhat well-developed 11-year-old that humid July afternoon I admitted to my sweet little cousin, Amy, I'd been having sex with my father. It'd been going on for over a month. Five weeks, actually.
“What?” she gushed. “Kimberly! Oh, my God!”
Also that (even though he'd had a vasectomy years ago) I was now on birth control, just in case. Of course, my up-tight mother had no idea, not a clue, or she'd have killed me! And at St. Katherine's Academy, where Amy and I both attended, they wouldn't have been thrilled at the birth control part, either, to say nothing about the ongoing acts of genuinely perverted incest.
On the other hand, it wasn't my fault.
Perverted acts or not, the dirty fun I shared with my father was far too stimulating at my young age to halt. I was far from innocent, even then, but he'd clearly found theonbutton to my little 5^th -grader's cunt. From that moment forward, my smoothly-bare genitalsitchedin moist sexual anticipation, my already sensitive clitoris pitched into a heightened state of almost unbearable attention.
And, yes, of course, I knew it was wrong, wrong, wrong, sick and depraved, but once my dad and I started exploring our unnatural sexual boundaries together, it was all I could think about. In truth, given the intense nature of the illicit yet wildly pleasurable doorway we'd opened, we couldn't keep our hands off one another!
Somehow, knowing it was all so sinful made it all the more exciting.
“I can't believe this!” Amy was almost panting at the news. “You're doing your own father?”
“Last weekend, he fucked me to death!” I admitted. “I think we're, like, sexually addicted to each other-he said he'sin lovewith my cunt.”