Valerie Gray
Siblings Who Lust With Trust
It's All-Relative
Delany Smith
Delany's life was generally pretty lousy but it did have some advantages.
First, let us consider the lousy points. He was just old enough to drive but there was no possible chance of his getting a permit. He had two younger sisters. He had to spend almost all his time taking care of his sisters. His father was dead and his mother worked six days a week to support them. She was gone from after school until 7:30 in the morning. They saw her for breakfast and dinner and that was it. The rest of the time Delany had to be the parent. The oldest sister was little more than a mobile vegetable. She could walk, feed, and dress herself with help but she would never learn to talk, read or communicate with anybody beyond a few grunts and cries. Money was tight and spare time was nonexistent for the boy.
On the good side he had two pretty sisters. One of which could not ever tell anybody about anything. He had lots of time to do whatever he wanted. He made good use of his advantages. Nancy was the older of the two and was just nicely developed. She was a pretty, well built girl if you could ignore the nobody home signs in her eyes. Monica was also pretty had only just started to develop. She was also a selfish twit and was not all that bright either. Her one saving grace was her willingness to keep a bargain if she got something out of it.
Not surprisingly Nancy was where Delany started his abuse. It had been one evening when Monica had been away at a party and Delany had been feeling sorry for himself. “Why her and not me ” was the question on his mind as he bathed Nancy. It just wasn't fair that the brat got to have fun and he was stuck cleaning up and taking care of the gimp. Just about then he noticed that the body he was washing had some very nice little curves, slits, and protrusions. For the first time in his life he realized his sister was more than a pain in the ass.