Valerie Gray
Loving Siblings
Mandy and Danny
Cintya Hernandez
I was in bed, shivering slightly in the cold night. It had been a very warm day, but tonight was unseasonably cold. Probably only about 40-45 degrees outside, and not too much warmer inside. In theory I could turn the heat up, but my mom and twelve-year-old brother, Matty, were out of town with one of Matty's swim meets, and the thermostat had a security code on it and I couldn't turn it up, despite the cold. I was thirteen. I shouldn't have to put up with this shit. I got tired of trying to stay warm and thought of a different idea. I pulled on a pair of panties and a t-shirt (I normally slept nude), and walked down the hall to the bedroom of my fourteen-year-old brother, Danny, and I knocked on the door. I heard his still boyish voice come from the other side of the door: “Yeah?” “Can I come in?” He grunted what I took as an affirmative. I opened his door and crept inside. In the faint light from the window, I could see Danny covered almost completely by his blankets. “Cold?” I asked. “What do you think?” I grinned a little while shivering still. “Well, look… I can't sleep;
I'm freezing my ass off. Can I… well, can I sleep with you so that we can both stay warm?” He seemed to shrug and go: “Uh…sure.”
“Good. Move over.” Danny scooted over and I pulled back his blankets, joining him under them. At first it still felt cold, but after only a couple minutes I warmed up and was soon feeling nice and toasty. “Oh, this is much better, Danny… thank you.”
“You're welcome, Mandy,” he said, sounding a little sleepy.
I laid on my back, my brother facing the wall of his bedroom, and eventually drifted off to a nice warm sleep… And then I woke up. I didn't know why, but I was awake. I lay there, totally motionless, wondering what had woken me up when I suddenly became aware of my brother's hand moving along my arm. I wondered why he was doing this and couldn't figure out how I should handle it. I mean, it didn't feel bad having him touching my arm. It wasn't any really big deal. Perhaps he was sleeping and just doing so in his sleep? That was cool, I guessed. No big deal. Just as I started to doze off I felt my brother's hand move again and heard him whisper softly, “Mandy? Mandy, are you awake?” I said nothing, just continued to act asleep. Very slowly, Danny moved his hand off my arm and down to my stomach. He moved his fingers gently up from there until they brushed against the underside of one of my breasts. He shifted his weight a little and slowly traced his fingers up until his hand was completely cupping my breast. I wanted to stop him, but frankly it did feel good, and he was certainly keeping me warm, so I suppose I didn't have too much to complain about. Besides, it was kind of sweet in its own way. I laid there in this half-asleep state, wondering what else Danny had in mind to do. It wasn't too terribly long before I found out, as he removed his hand from my breast and whispered, once more, “Mandy? Mandy, wake up.” I remained motionless. Danny shifted around a little behind me and this time I felt his fingers stray down to my panties. My pulse jumped into high gear at this point. I'd had some experience with boys, but it was mostly limited to making out and one of them feeling my breasts, just like Danny had done. None had ever put their hands anywhere near my panties, despite what they might've wanted. Danny first moved his hands along my stomach and then along the waistband of my panties. I wondered if he was going to try to slip it inside, but apparently not. All he did was put his fingers along the surface from the waistband and down slightly to the top of my pubic hair. It wasn't much, but it felt pretty nice.
My brother moved his hand off my panties and I felt him shifting around behind me. It took a moment to figure out what he was doing, but once I puzzled it out, it was pretty clear he was masturbating.
I wondered what to do next, he moved his hand back onto my panties.
“Mandy?” he whispered once more, his voice on edge. Danny was breathing pretty hard at this point. It was apparent that he was quite excited by what he was doing. I could hardly blame him, since I was pretty excited myself.