Valerie Gray
Little miss Naughty or: My Forbidden Summer of Sin
Dear Diary,
So today is my 12th birthday. Yesterday was the strangest day of my life. It started out with my first “wet dream” and then I learned about some of the secrets to becoming a woman. I will attempt to write down exactly what happened, but after this, I will definitely have to make sure this diary is hidden from here on out.
I mean, if my mom or dad were ever to find this! Yikes!
To begin, I'll start with the dream and how I woke up this morning.
Terry, my brother, sat on the bed, with his back to the door.
Until a few minutes ago he had been resting quite comfortably.
He wiped the sleep from his eyes and rose from the bed, strolling over to the dresser and retrieved a clean set of shorts and headed off to the bathroom.
I, being just one year younger, heard movement from inside his room and rushed to gather my clothes together. As I crossed out of my room, I was just in time to see the bathroom door ajar and heard the water begin to flow from the shower. Damn, just once I'd like to be able to beat him. Nothing I try to do has ever phased him in the least. My brother must be the most arrogant butthole in the universe.
The boat shuddered, as if hitting one of the speedbumps found at the entrance to their old apartment in Cleveland, Ohio.
Sometimes I wished my parents hadn't taken their vacation out on the ocean. Why couldn't they have just gone to Disneyland like other families?
Glancing at my calendar above the desk, I noticed it was Friday the 13th. Since this was also my birthday, I recalled how my parents told me of my being born into this world during the bombing of Berlin. Now that I am twelve years of age, did they actually think I believed I had been dropped by a stork? I probably knew more about sex then they did. I'd heard their sounds of lovemaking. Did they think I was deaf to the banging of the bed against my bedroom wall? Did it really only take about four minutes to satisfy each other? Like, for real. that I would believe that the stork brought me, why did they insist on treating me like a child? Many is the time I wish that I had a friend that I could absolutely trust to tell any and all of my secrets. I wish there was someone who treated me with respect. Who treated me as an equal.
I have only one brother. He is like a mirror image of me, only he is one year older. Many people mistake us for being twins.
If it wasn't for finally my maturing enough to having a bit of a chest, and my long hair black hair, we could be mistaken as identical brothers. I blame him for being older. He is always teasing and picking on me. It is few and far between that I am able to get back at him. Just last week he had stolen one of my new training bras and was using it as a slingshot in the back yard with some of the neighborhood boys. I got even with him by taking his adult magazines, hidden under his bedroom, mattress. I'll bet he is still worried that it was mom who had found them.