The Private Party
The invitation arrived with the mail on Tuesday. At first Beth dismissed it, thinking it was another credit card offer. But just as the attractive young housewife was about to toss the envelope in the trash, something about it caught her attention – there was no stamp. The expensive black envelope also had no return address; it simply was a glossy black envelope with an embossed gold label reading: 'Mr. amp; Mrs. Robert West…Confidential'.
Now curious, Beth put the other mail down and carefully opened the thick flap and removed the heavy gold-embossed card. She turned it over looking for any signs of familiarity or recognition about the sender before she slowly read the cursive message: 'You have been recommended by a close, but anonymous, personal acquaintance to receive this invitation to attend a very exclusive private party. The occasion cannot be discussed at this time…except to assure you that any concern or reservation you may have about the legitimacy of this greeting is unwarranted.
This is no gimmick or advertisement.
Similarly, any and all expectations you might have about the evening will surely be exceeded. In many respects, this invitation represents the most intimate of opportunities for you as husband and wife.
The party will be held the First Day of May at 8:00 p.m. sharp. Dress is semiformal. Due to the exclusive nature of this invitation, your immediate attention is critical. Please RSVP to the phone number below at your earliest convenience. You will be given additional details at that time. I look forward to the pleasure of your company.
Regards, Your Host'
How mysterious, Beth thought. She turned the card over again a few times trying to find any clues about its origin, but there was nothing. Finally she sighed and put the invitation aside with the intention of discussing it with her husband when he arrived home from work.
Bob and Beth West enjoyed a typical, upper middle-class lifestyle in the suburbs. Both in their thirties, the couple was attractive and outgoing. Beth enjoyed her role as full-time homemaker and mother of two beautiful daughters.
Bob's career as an investment advisor was just starting to take off. And while the family was not wealthy yet, they were certainly very comfortable in their handsome, upscale home in a quiet neighborhood with many families of similar background.
The Wests were friendly and fairly social; but since the girls came along, Bob and Beth remained at home with their kids more often than not – only occasionally going out with a small circle of friends…or a rare husband and wife date. In fact, life had settled into a sort of vanilla-flavored routine without much variation. It's not something that Beth or Bob really noticed or even minded. But, every once-in-a-while, both entertained secret fleeting thoughts that perhaps it would be nice to spice things up a little.
Even in the bedroom the relationship was normal and satisfactory for the married couple. They made love regularly – usually on the weekends – and they both shared devotion and affection for each other. There had never been any major problems or obstacles in the marriage, so there had never been any reason for either to consider infidelity. Still, if you were to ask Bob and Beth to be honest and direct, both would admit that something was missing in their lives – something that neither of them could really identify or explain.
"I have no clue what this is about," Bob said as he looked over the invitation that evening. "Probably some sales or real estate trap…or maybe one of those Amway things. But, no postmark or return address, huh? That's strange."