The ape girl
Blair Fortner leaned over her open suitcase and let her strawberry blonde mane cascade down over her shoulders and hang in her way. She was used to working through that veil of hair.
But she was going to have to figure out something to do with it now. African weather was notoriously humid, especially where she was going. The intense heat and humidity wouldn't go too well with long, damp hair. There was jungle rot to think about. She riffled through a pile of safari shirts and found the one she was looking for. Wouldn't it be a blast to wear it to dinner tonight? Amidst all those fancy evening clothes.
That and a pair of safari pants with lace-up jungle boots and a safari hat. Just the outfit guaranteed to draw attention. Not that she was in need of much more than she usually got.
Her nineteen year old body was a model of full-figured perfection. Her shoulders were taut and straight, her waist was small and trim. And best of all, she rose to nearly five foot eight inches in height. She loved being tall, and she loved having a good body.
Her legs were long, sculpted and tapering, all the way down to her feet. And her hips were curvy as a calendar girl's. Her breasts stuck straight out and in a marvelous defiance of gravity, thrust up at the tips. The places occupied by those twin plum-colored pliable nipples of hers. The ones that grew stiff and thick whenever she got aroused.
Which hadn't been often lately. But this was no time to think about that. She found a pair of thick woolen socks and kicked her bedroom slippers off. It would be such a hoot to wear this to the dinner party. That ought to perk old man Divers up a bit. Him and that snobbish son of his. Dr. Divers, her father called him. She did, too, when she wanted to address him face to face. When she was talking about him, it was always 'suck face' or 'bird turd' or something else appropriate.
He was one academician she loathed. Even if he was head of the Zoology department. And even if his darling son Owen was a professor in that august body of men.
Her father was part of that department, too. But in Blair's eyes he was a bit special. He did most of his work in the field. He usually shunned fancy black-tie affairs like the one he had promised to go to tonight, and he was a kind and loving man.
Blair only wished that he would re-marry someday. Having lost his wife, though it had been ten years earlier, must have made him a bit lonely. And then there had been suitors. Or whatever the female equivalent of a suitor might be. Women after his heart, though some of them had probably been after his wallet.
Dr. Fortner was a widely-published and respected authority on Greater Primates. He had popularized them actually, had written several commercially-successful books on the subject as well as countless more academic studies.