Lesbian runaway
Teen Kelly Kane was being kept prisoner in the attic.
She had gotten caught…
It was about nine o'clock on a midwinter night, in the middle of the week. Kelly dreaded the imminent appearance of her hated step-father.
Kelly was in her mid-teens, an all-American beauty.
Depression put her body in a slump, as well as lowering her spirits.
She had been kept penned up here for the last two days and nights, since that awful Monday when her world had fallen apart.
When she had gotten caught – caught sinning.
Thank heavens she had only been caught in a kiss, instead of some of the other things she often did with her… special lover.
Dan Waxer – her mother's husband (Kelly never could and never would think of him as her step-father, the idea was repellent) – had fixed up this attic cell.
It was her mother's house, the Kane family house, once Kelly's house, too, but no longer; not since that man had moved in.