High School Scandals
Small and soft, smooth and very warm, the girl’s hand dipped into his zipped down fly and took him by the prick.
And he couldn’t hide the face that he had a big hard on, because watching all that young, budding ass half the night had turned him on more than Dallas cared to admit.
But he tried to back it out of her grasp; she hung on, her fingernails sharp and digging into his sensitive cock just enough to warn him to keep still.
Damn! He was in a bind, and there was no quick way out. If he made a lot of noise, or made the kid yelp in pain, the whole party could blow up in his face-and blow him right out of his career.
Let a high school teacher get caught with his cock out, and the rap might be more than losing his credentials; there were state laws about screwing around with underage girls. Even when the underage girl herself was doing the screwing around-like right now.
The room was in utter blackness, so Dallas didn’t even know which girl was fingering over his swollen cock. He damned the kid who’d pulled the light switch, but he’d kill him if the lights went back on right now.
The hand was probing delicately over his shaft and gentle fingers dipped expertly under his balls. Dallas squirmed and caught the slim wrist, but his prick throbbed painfully.
It had been too long since he’d had a real piece of ass, and the need was strong in him now, an urgency that he couldn’t put down. His balls swelled with the potent buildup in them, and his cock was steel-hard. The kid-whoever she was-was enthralled with the size and heft of his prick, playing her fingers along the aching shaft and over the sensitive head. Did the little bitch have any idea what she was actually doing to him?
All his students dressed like sexpots, showing their upper thighs, displaying their shapely asses in miniskirts and hot pants, bouncing their budding young tits. But there was one (Dallas winced and wondered if he should squeeze down on the fragile wrist he was holding) there was a special girl that had haunted his dreams for months. Could this hand belong to her?
He hoped so; if any of these kids was going to play with his cock and tease him into a state of near explosion, it might as well be Kathy Collins. That gorgeous girl had held his eyes and his mind so powerfully that it was tough keeping up with the rest of the class.