Gwen gets beaten
It was just a fucking fluke. That's all. I had everything set up perfectly I was careful, never got greedy and kept my mouth shut. It was pure luck the Marines ever found out.
See, I don't know if you're aware of it, but the Marines, the Navy, the Army and the Air Force, have got warehouses all over the world, massive, enormous warehouses with ten of billions of dollars worth of every thing under the sun in them.
The Armed Forces themselves don't know what's in a lot of those warehouses. Hell, sometimes they lose track of the warehouses! They've got enough boots to last forty years, for example, enough ladders to supply all four branches until the second coming.
I had carefully maneuvered myself into supply, learning how the paperwork rivers ran, figuring out what flags would raise concern, draw attention, which items sat for years unnoticed, where things could be… shifted… without anyone missing them.
That was the key, you see. Stealing was fine, as long as the investigation didn't focus on you, but if you could arrange things so nobody knew they were missing… ah, now that was the perfect crime.
The easiest to do this was to add a few items to an order… only on paper, of course. Then you lifted the items. The warehouse would then ship the correct number to whomever ordered them.
At the other end the panty receiving them might or might not notice they had less items than their bill of lading. If they did they'd send a form 249-F. Once you sent an acknowledgement of the 249-F, well, as far as they were concerned the problem was over. And if you made sure that 249-F disappeared then the warehouse didn't notice anything either.
Another favorite was to place an order for something without my boss finding out. Then when it arrived I'd divert it, and the paperwork, and presto, nobody realized anything was missing.
I had been careful, slow and careful, working my way up from pocketing a few scopes and binoculars, to whole pallets, then to entire truck-loads… once I had a few reliable partners.