Girl crazed counselor
"Miss Richardson, may I talk to you for a moment?" Emmylou Mumm asked. She was standing in the high school hallway peeking into Miss Richardson's private office.
"Of course, Emmylou. I'm not busy, what can I do for you?" Miss Roberta Jean Richardson said in a smooth, calm voice. She was the high school counselor.
"I have a problem, but it doesn't have to do with what college I want to go to or anything like that," Emmylou said with a small blush.
"That's okay. I am here to take care of all sorts of problems," Miss Richardson said. The counselor was a tall blonde and quite beautiful.
Miss Richardson placed the palms of her hands flat on her ink blotter atop her desk and looked right into Emmylou's dark eyes. Emmylou sat down in the straight-backed wooden chair on the other side of Miss Richardson's desk.
"I'm not even sure how to begin. Let me put it this way, I am a senior in high school and I have never even been out on a date with a boy," Emmylou said.
"I find that hard to believe, Emmylou. You are so beautiful and sexy. I would have thought you would be quite popular with the boys," Miss Richardson said.
"I guess I am popular but boys don't trust me or something. Maybe they can sense that I don't care for them very much. I think something is wrong with me."
"What do you mean, you don't care for them very much, Emmylou?" Miss Richardson asked. The counselor's brain was working a mile a minute.
"I'm not sure. I talk to other girls and they get all starry eyes and hot and bothered when they think about handsome boys," Emmylou said.