
Daddy_s Little Girl

Chapter 1

The brilliant spring sunshine streamed in through the large open bay window. A soft, pleasant breeze was rustling the trees, most of them tall oaks in this part of Evanston, and their shadows danced energetically against the far wall of young June Donovan's room.

June turned over on the bed, squinting and shielding her eyes from the brightness that played over her sleep-softened twelve year old face.

Her long glossy blonde hair cascaded over the pillow, forming a soft honey-colored cushion for her head which lay prettily framed against it. Only a thin sheet protected her ripely maturing young body from that cooling breeze blowing in gentle and warm through the open window.

June stretched and yawned, her shapely young breasts dislodging the sheet with their movement. She had the body of a lush young Venus which any interested observer could have traced in detail through the clinging sheet only barely concealing the high-set, rounded breasts whose taut-tipped nipples showed so clearly through the thin cotton fabric. The sheet tapered down over a tiny, girlish waist to round hourglass hips of newly acquired proportions. Her belly was flat and smooth, and the soft little mound of her pussy swelled gently upward between full well-shaped thighs. From there her long shapely legs tapered downward to the very tips of her toes poking high under the covering sheet.

June had the sort of developing body that would have attracted attention on any street – admiring attention from the most discriminating of men, envious attention from too-old women who had not looked that good even when they were twelve. Wherever she went, eyes were always on her depravity-inciting young body, her long blonde hair and her fine-boned, pouty-lipped features. It would have been asking too much to expect people not to stare, even though June was only twelve years old. For she had that sort of body and looks that epitomized everything that was considered youthfully beautiful – and sexy. Her honey-blonde hair framed a heart-shaped young face that invariably turned heads. Her bright blue eyes were large and full of innocence, with long dark lashes. She had a tiny uptilted nose and a ripe red young mouth that beckoned even when she was frowning. Her complexion was very smooth and without blemish, slightly tanned and with twin roses in her cheeks. To say that June was a beautiful child was slightly an understatement. To say that she was proportioned altogether too sexily for a twelve year old girl was hitting the nail right on the head. She had that sort of blonde, youthful, developing allure every man dreams of.

Lazily, she yawned again and laid her golden head back down on the pillow.

According to the clock on the bureau, it was much too early to get ready for school. Closing her eyes again, she faded off dreamily into a half-dozing, half-wakeful state.

It was during this brief period that daddy came to her again.

Her eyelashes flickered slowly on her drooping eyelids. She could see her daddy very dearly now. He was holding his massive penis in one hand, lifting it up over his mature hair-covered testicles, totally naked except for the festooning of his trousers around his ankles. His eyes glowed wildly, totally un-daddy-like. Guy Donovan almost never looked like that at his daughter – at any rate not that she'd ever noticed – yet in this half-dream hallucination he was standing before her with his penis in his hand, some sort of milky droplets glistening in the small opening at its peak, his eyes shining with desire.

Just like in that biology book Ronald showed me, June thought with one part of her half-dozing mind. His penis seemed quite huge, thick and swollen with blood, and covered with a roadmap tracery of throbbing blue veins. The dozing girl's nostrils flared, and she felt her heart palpitate swiftly, a vein throbbing openly in her smooth clear temple.