The Widow_s Companion
Chapter 1
Dominique Carter placed the highball in the hand of the buxom blonde thirteen year old and stepped back, her deep green eyes smiling felinely.
"Go on, dear, there's no harm in it," she coaxed. "It's just a little highball."
But Ellen Winthrop, whose father had died nine months previous after an acute bout with alcoholism, shook her pretty head firmly. Her satiny soft long blonde hair flew attractively around her perfectly oval youthful face. The long dark lashes over her sparkling, innocent blue eyes fluttered as she refused, saying, "Oh, but I couldn't, Mrs.
Carter. My mother wouldn't permit it."
Dominique smiled indulgently and took the glass from her again. She shook out her long red hair and said sweetly, "Well, that's right, dear. You should always do what your mother tells you." Damnit, a small voice whispered inside her head.
Not that this terrible primness didn't make their lovely young neighbor all the more intoxicating company. At times Dominique suspected that it was this very naivete that was driving herself and her husband Maxwell so wild with anticipation. Ellen was so unremittingly good that Maxwell was really going out of his mind for her, and Handsome, their big German shepherd was as well. Handsome sniffed around the sweet overdeveloped teenager to an extent which even made Dominique not a little jealous. But if the anticipation was excruciating, so also was their fierce desire to get some good movies of Ellen misbehaving. She was the most gorgeous little piece of femininity and perfection they had run into in a long time, and any film footage they could get of her would sell like hotcakes, literally. Men always liked performers who were busty with long blonde hair, for some reason, and in addition there was the incentive of Ellen's healthy nubile youth, which was considerable.
At only thirteen she was rounded and developed with curves that any eighteen year old would have been proud of. Her large, gravity-defying breasts – which she appeared to be somewhat uncomfortable about – were positively mouth-watering, to hear Maxwell tell it, and she knew that Handsome wanted to lap them as well. In addition, the child had almost no waist – which then flared out into opulent hourglass hips just born for sex. And then there were those long, long legs tapering into tiny ankles and dainty feet. Ellen had been put together like a human aphrodisiac. No doubt she towered over her teacher in grammar school as well. She was probably the most striking thing her teachers had ever seen.
Dominique sighed and sipped her highball. The entire affair had become all too frustrating. They hadn't had any of this delay and difficulty with their other conquests. It hadn't taken too long for most of them to fall for Handsome, that rugged, demanding beast, or at the very least for her handsome husband Maxwell. And most of them had been teenagers as well, usually neighborhood girls of good background who they were eventually able to get liquored up enough so that they totally lost their heads and could be seduced readily into performing for Midwest Motion Pictures, Incorporated.
They, too, had had long hair of varying shades, and voluptuous physiques, which was why they had been chosen. The Carters' customers liked especially well these pert and clean-cut, fresh-looking youngsters. Their innocent wholesomeness appeared to be more thrilling than the blatant sensuality of the average actress who was willing to do sex scenes for pay. Which was why she and Maxwell always went to the lengthy trouble of these elaborate seductions. Their customers paid more for girls of obvious gentility, virginity, purity, and refinement.