Tim Peterson
First time for daughter
Looking back, Lisa almost cringed when she thought about how naive she had been. And how timid, and not to mention just plain sappy. And confused.
While still a virgin, she'd wanted her first fuck to be with a guy she was in love with. That was the only proper way for a girl to go, surely. Find someone who would take care of her, and not blab it all over how easy she was or anything like that.
She didn't know yet that fucking was something that could be enjoyed purely on it's own, without all that emotional bag and baggage. At the time, all she knew was that she wanted to find the right someone. Rather, she wanted that someone to find her. She was too bashful and inexperienced to do much seeking, herself.
Often curiosity, a simple need to find out, would threaten to get the better of her, and tempt her to venture beyond what books could tell her, or what she could learn from girl's washroom conversations. But without experience, and with such high standards, who could she turn to? Finally she'd begun to think she would never get fucked.
Then came the summer when Mom and Dad packed her and brother Buddy into the station wagon and all four of them headed up-state for a month-long vacation. It was to be spent on a farm, or rather what had been one until it had been taken over by an artist friend of her father's.
Lisa welcomed the change. It would give her time and peace and quiet in which to think, maybe sort some things out.
On her first night there, she was overtaken by a strange kind of restlessness. At first she attributed it to being in a strange bed, a new environment, all of that. But that notion quickly passed.
There were no boys. There would be a whole month without them. The forty-acre property was pretty isolated, ten miles from the nearest small town. Who knew where the nearest neighbors were? And what did country bumpkin know, anyway?
No boys.
Not that she would definitely have done anything had there been a selection to choose from, but it was nice to just look at them when she wanted.