Ted Leonard
Raped degraded daughter
Linda Simmons cowered in her bed as she listened to her mom and dad arguing again. Her father sounded so mean when he yelled, and it always frightened Linda. She was frightened now as her dad's voice rose threateningly. Then she heard the slapping sound and her mom's short scream. Oh God, Linda thought fearfully, he's gonna hurt her again. One night a few months before, Jim Simmons had come home rather drunk, and he had beat the hell out of his wife because she refused to fuck him. Linda's young ears had heard some pretty horrible things that night.
"What's wrong with my cock?" her father had yelled. "You got another one on the side? Is that it, you fucking bitch? Why won't you fuck, you little slut?"
"Because you're so God damned drunk, you slob!" Janet Simmons had responded.
"You just think your pussy's too good for me!" her father bellowed.
Linda covered her ears with her hands that night, but it hadn't helped. She couldn't shut out the dirty words her parents used when they were drinking and angry. She couldn't shut the dirty words out now either. Her ears burned as her dad shouted. Her mother's voice rose up too, and the woman blurted: "Go jerk yourself off, you filthy bastard!"
Linda turned over onto her belly and sobbed softly into her pillow as the abusive language continued in the other room. Crying to herself, she let one hand slip down onto her to her fuzzy young cunt. Her fingers gently rubbed there as her other hand filled with a tight young breast which she squeezed hard. For a few moments at least, the squeezing of her tit and the rubbing of her pussy relieved the tension in her. For a few moments, she could concentrate on her spiking pink nipple, so tingly in her hand, and her stiff little clit, as tingly as her nipple. These feelings saved her for a little while.
It never lasted, though. Jim and Janet Simmons were too filled with hatred and had resented one another for far too long. Their viciousness came out in their screams and yells that young Linda couldn't escape. The fear in her grew and ruined the few good feelings she could muster in her flowering young body. The young girl took her hands away from her tits and pussy, and flopped over onto her back. In the dark, she stared at the ceiling and chewed her lower lip for a long time as she heard her name mentioned.
Linda knew her name would eventually come into the argument. It always did. She listened tearfully now as her father once again accused Janet of whoring for years. She heard her dad mention her growing young body.
"If you don't give me any, maybe Linda will," Jim Simmons snarled angrily. "She's growing up nice."
That always angered Linda's mother, and now Janet screamed: "You stay away from her, you filthy son-of-a-bitch! Don't you ever even think of doing anything to that kid! I'll cut your balls off if you touch her!"