Tessie L'Amour, M. Christian, Charisse, Jhada Addams, Jayme Whitfield, Whiskey McNaughton, Ainsley, Amelia James

Sexy Briefs: Tasty Little Tails

Nighthawks by M. Christian

1:00AM. Phillies coffee house. A cup each: white and sweet for her, black for him. Nick stirred his clockwise, Darlene stirred counter.

“Chasin’ the moon tonight?” Nick said, looking over at her. Her hair was the color of fresh copper, and she wore a dress to match. Her face was lean, but not harsh, and her eyes were the green of fresh grass.

“Just watching it travel, I guess. Probably gonna be home before it sets,” Darlene said, smiling at him. He had a good face, with lots of character: strong chin, good nose, gray eyes hooded beneath luxurious eyebrows. Not a pretty-boy, but handsome on his own.

“Used to be able to make it myself: all the way from the silver coming up to the silver going down. No gray on the roof, but I’m not a kid anymore,” he said smiling at her. Under the red dress she was slim but not skinny, breasts full and obvious even through the material.

“You don’t look like you’re ready to get stuck in a home to me,” she said, returning the smile. He wasn’t big, but he seemed to be well put together: broad shoulders, and with nothing hanging over his belt. His hands, she noticed, had character. They were like signposts to his soul: strong, elegant, with perfectly clean nails.

“You’re just buttering me. Nah, just been burning too much of that midnight oil lately.” He wondered about her, instantly picturing her standing in his little place: red dress tossed over a chair, silken slip floating as she walked, showing off her fine lines. He imagined a redhead’s soft skin, longs legs stretching beneath the bright white slip, and the twin points of hard nipples on perfect breasts.

“Know it. Just got off a shift myself. Thought a cup might make the trip home a little easier.” She wondered about his lips: strong but soft, at first a gentle graze across hers, just a mixing of breaths. Then the initial chaste one, the first touch of his to hers. Heat between them flaring with the first touch of tongues, then the roaring blaze as he tilted her head back for a longer, more penetrating kiss.