Tina Holmes
An incestuous love
Linda Hall stood, shaking her head as she had so many times in the past. Her boss was persistent, but she was not about to change her mind, this time or any other. Once again she wished she knew what it was about her that made him and so many of the other men in the office ask her out on dates. Their requests for dates always appeared innocent enough, but she knew better. "No, I can't, Mr. Williams," she said once more.
Karl Williams leaned back in his oversized chair, his eyes feasting on the lush figure of his blonde secretary. What he saw was reason enough to not let another "no" discourage him. Petite, she had a flowing walk with her hips undulating in a free way under her dress. Above her narrow trim waist, her breasts loomed large and exquisitely shaped. And they, too, seemed to undulate and shake in a jellied way when she walked. Since her figure was so well-formed, so firm and youthful, she never wore girdles or anything more than panties, bra, and a garter belt. And it showed in her every high-heeled step!
Her face was pretty, with a pert snub nose and wide sensuous lips. Karl knew instinctively that she had to be fantastic in bed, and he was willing to try anything to get her there. "Is it a jealous lover?" he said, though he was convinced she had no steady boyfriend. She blushed hearing the word "lover", but then quickly denied such a relationship by shaking her head.
"With the long weekend, I'm sure my son has plans, Mr. Williams. I wouldn't want to commit myself to anything that might spoil them," she said firmly. For the other men in the office she wouldn't bother to make any excuses, but with her boss it had to be different. She folded her steno pad in hope of bringing the conversation to a finish, but Karl Williams persisted.
"You should think about yourself, too," he said quietly, but he wanted to yell at her and demand it. He wanted to go and lock the office door and take her in his arms and rip the damned dress off and caress her and feel her nakedly voluptuous little body underneath him, all hot and wiggling, eager to be fucked.
It seemed it was always her son Rick that stood in the way of Karl getting her out, even for an innocent cup of coffee. Her having a son, a sixteen year old son, was unbelievable, and Karl had thought the boy was her brother the day they were introduced. Linda Hall just didn't appear old enough to have a sixteen year old son.
"If there's nothing more, Mr. Williams, I'll get this letter typed," she said curtly, and turned to go. She knew exactly how far she could go with him, and felt safe in her near rudeness.
Her boss shifted forward in his large chair, signaling an end to his efforts to date her, for that day at least. "Thank you, Miss Hall," he intoned, with emphasis on the "Miss".
Linda didn't like using her son Rick as an excuse to turn down dates, but countless times the boy had proved to be the best and easiest. And she had long ago learned to ignore the social stigma of being an unwed mother. The truth was simply that she was scared.
Men had often appeared to Linda as animals, brutes, unfeeling lechers who wanted nothing more than her still young and ripe body. She dressed to hide her lush figure and discovered it was an impossibility; the more she tried to hide her large fully fleshed breasts, the more she drew attention to them; the more she tried to control her walk, the more studied and provocative it became.