Terence Fitzbancroft
Memoir of a Young Gentleman Pervert
In regards to the events that I am to portray, for obvious reasons, my memory is vague about the exact age I was when the earliest events occurred. When I first began to think back to these episodes of my youth, the details emerged slowly over a period of months and were fascinating to remember. Each time I mentally ran through the sequence of events, I remembered more detail and often one thing would trigger a memory of another. Finally it occurred to me that I should record it somewhere and this is the result.
I have had to make some age approximations but this does not detract from the accuracy of the events, and for obvious reasons you will also find that more details are available for the later occasions.
Terence Fitzbancroft
Memoir of a Young Gentleman Pervert
My Formative Years
I was born in 1941 as the eldest of a family of three boys and these events occurred between about 1948 and 1962. My mother was young, and I suspect, very immature. My father was a hard worker but also was an alcoholic and as he was rarely home, had very little effect on my life. At that time, sex was a subject that was never mentioned and the one time I can remember asking where babies came from, I was told that they were found under cabbages in the garden.
Sometime around the age of five during my first year at school, something happened which made a profound impression on me. I was playing at the far end of the school grounds during lunch recess, when I saw six older boys form a circle around a girl of about seven or eight and take her behind some trees. She was forced to the ground and while two boys held her down by the shoulders, others lifted her dress, pulled her panties down around ankles and then stood around laughing and making ribald comments.
I still remember this vividly, as it was the first time I had seen a girl without panties. I remember little of what she looked like, but what did affect me, was that she was crying and calling out for help and I can remember feeling very sorry for her. After watching for a few minutes, I was so upset that I ran away, and as I moved to another school the following year, I never did find out what happened over it.
What effect this had on my psychological make-up at such a tender age is a matter of conjecture. All I can say that the events of that day are still vivid, and stay with me now more than 55 years later. If it affected me that much as a bystander, I have often wondered what effect it had on the poor girl.
Girls never figured much in my thoughts until I was somewhere about the age of seven when my mother had some visitors from another city stay with us. It was bath time and my younger brothers had been put to bed so it was my turn for the bath. Suddenly the door opened and our visitor came in with her six-year old daughter. She undressed her and placed her in the opposite end of the bath and left us there. Suddenly I realized that girls were different and “something” was missing. I could hardly keep my eyes of her groin and because of the “cut” there, I seem to remember wondering if there had been an accident, and her “cock” had been cut off. I was dying to know what had happened to her and was quite disappointed when her mother returned, bathed and dried her, then wrapped her in the Towel and left to dress her for bed. Thinking back, it was about here that my obsession with the cute little hairless slit between girl's legs started although at that time I was totally unaware of where it would lead me.