Tom Allison
The family_s four-way suck
"One: empty liquor bottles littered on the front seat of the car. Two: three half-naked girls in the back seat."
Steve Madison held up his hand and counted out the offenses on his fingers, while his teenaged daughter looked up at him sullenly.
"Three: one of the girls was in the act of… the act of sodomy when the squad car rolls into the drive-in. And four: all three boys and all three girls – including you, especially you – are sassy and uncooperative to the officers who brought you home, even though it's an absolute wonder that they didn't arrest you!"
His eyes smoldering, Steve folded his arms across his chest and looked furiously down at his daughter. He was in his early forties and there was some grey in his temples, but he still had the overall rugged appearance of the football star he'd been in college, and he was still capable of plenty of anger. He was particularly angry now. It was almost two in the morning, and Steve had barely had time to dress when the police had called him to come in and identify his daughter. Tammy had been picked up for being "drunk and disorderly", as the police put it, at a drive-in. And it wasn't the first time she'd been in trouble.
"Now, all I want to know is what in God's name you have to say for yourself," Steve concluded furiously. "I am at my absolute limit with you. For the past two years you have ignored my authority as a parent, you have gone running off with any boy who wanted to date you, you have come home so drunk that you could hardly walk. And now this! Tammy, what possible explanation can you give me for tonight's behavior?"
"I can give you a real good explanation, Daddy," Tammy said evenly. "I like to fuck!"
"You like to… you like to what?" Steve sputtered, reddening brightly.
Tammy brushed the straight brown hair out of her wide blue eyes and looked at her father defiantly. She was still drunk enough to be careless, and she didn't like being ordered around.
"You heard me. I like to fuck! That's the only reason I went out with them! I don't give a shit about the drinking! I like to get my pussy fucked!"