Tom Allison
The dental assistant_s check-up
"I'll tell you this much, Rachel," Ken Hughes said. "You sure are the prettiest dental assistant I've ever had working on my teeth!"
"Now, now, Mr. Hughes," Rachel said chidingly.
The gorgeous nineteen year-old brunette in the tight white dental assistants uniform shook her head in mock reproval as she continued to fill out Ken Hughes' form. She'd been working for Hankison Dental for the past three months. A week ago, Richard Hankison had finally decided it would be all right if she did some standard X-rays and teeth cleanings unassisted.
Hankison was at the bank now. Ken Hughes was her first customer. He was tall, handsome, and forty-four years-old.
"And I'll tell you something else too, Rachel." Hughes was sitting on the big dentist's chair, with the white bib over his suit. "You sure have got a knock-out body under that tight little uniform you wear!"
"Now, Mr. Hughes!"
Blushing self-consciously, the stacked teenager pushed her long, brown ponytail behind her shoulder and wagged a reproving finger at the client. Secretly, however, his compliment delighted her. One of the first realizations Rachel had ever had about herself was that she was naturally extremely horny and aroused by nearly any mention of sex. Just hearing Hughes talk that way made her feel good about her tight, short uniform. It clung to her slim waist and lithe hips, showing off her nice, round ass and long, lusciously formed legs.
Rachel liked feeling sexy. It made her pussy tingle, and Hughes was helping her feel that way right now.
"In fact, I'll even go farther, young lady." Now Hughes had a real gleam in his eyes, and his frequent downward glances told Rachel exactly what part of her anatomy he was going to compliment next.
"I really don't think you better, Mr. Hughes."