Tom Allison
Hot fun sister
Outside it was dark and stormy, which made it that much nicer to be snuggled in bed. Debby sighed, pulled the quilt closer about her ears and watched the rain spatter her bedroom window. It was almost too bad they didn't live in a really cold place like Washington or Oregon, she thought. There was nothing prettier than being in a warm room and watching the rain.
Then Debby felt her younger sister Mandy stir beside her in the bed. Her appreciation of the storm faded as the familiar, wet need burned through her cunt.
"Are you awake?" Mandy hissed.
"'Course I am," Debby whispered back. "You didn't expect me to go to sleep without licking your pussy, did you?"
Debby felt a slim, eager arm reaching around her bare waist, caressing her belly bulge. Debby sighed as Mandy cupped her exceptionally large tits. Then she turned onto her back and Mandy pushed the covers to the foot of the bed. Debby felt cold for a moment, but her pussy heat warmed her as Mandy took her stiff, silver-dollar-sized nipple between her lips.
Debby was the older of the two sisters and blonde. Mandy was brunette and slim. The two had been sharing the same bed for as long as either one could remember, and since puberty they'd been sucking each other's cunts every night.
Mandy gave Debby's taut nipple a prolonged, juicy suck, then looked at her with hungry brown eyes that seemed to gleam in the darkness. "I want to turn the light on," she said.
Debby turned her head and studied the thin beam of light filtering under the door from the hallway. "What time is it?"
"Almost midnight," Mandy whispered. "They're all asleep."