Sue Suckit



Yes, I, my own heroine, am today, eighteen years old, I have got a nice little fortune salted away in saving banks and trust companies, and I have made every cent of it myself in making men's semen spurt, and still I was a virgin until a short time ago. Shall I tell you about it?

Many men and women have made fortunes with their mouths, orators and singers; I earned mine by making my lovers sing and dance in sweet priapian spending, to the soft caress of clinging lips and the turgid touches of my tickling tongue.

At fourteen, my father and mother died, and I was left to the care of trusty Uncle Will, a bachelor of fifty, who always appeared to hate petticoats and all they contained. He had money enough and was kind to me in a rough sort of way, and treated me as a fragile piece of glass, that would break all to pieces if he touched me.

We lived in handsome apartments with one servant and a colored man of thirty. Uncle Will was fifty, I was fourteen, as I said, wearing skirts only to my ankles, a child yet, but well developed; not especially handsome but with large melting eyes and lips full and red with warm blood, and a round rosy figure, that Uncle Will, after we became well acquainted, vowed was a perfect pocket edition of Venus.

I knew I had a crevice nestling between the cute little curls of brown hair at the bottom of my belly; but of its most important function as a reception room for men, I was profoundly ignorant, as I also was of how men appear when paying their respects to it, for I, only knew that men had little nozzles there, when I had seen them by chance, peeing, as I called it; of its virile functions I knew naught.

A modest maiden until one day the book of Revelations was opened to me.

It was a warm afternoon and dinner over, I had gone to my room and in chemise and short skirts, was just throwing myself on the bed, when I remembered an interesting book that I had commenced, and started down to the library to get it. The door was locked and I went out on the balcony to enter the window; the shutters were closed and I wondered why.

A young girl is a very curious animal and naturally I peeped in through the blinds.

That peep, launched me body and soul on the sea of voluptuousness and desire, and at one blow knocked off the maiden manacles and prepared me to become a Priestess of Priapus, for there was a sofa, and in full view lay Uncle Will, a pretty little book in his hand, and below, his shirt up to his waist, and his breeches down to his knees, the white expanse of belly and thighs all bare, while in the other hand he held the sceptre whose sweet fruit it has been my life's work to touch, taste and eat- that dear horn of plenty which has made me rich in profit and pleasure.

Oh, what a creeping spasm of desire guided by thought and hand to the innocent slit, hidden modestly in the soft shadows between my thighs!