Suzanne Mellows

The sex experiment


"Yes, Miss Johnson, this cage of guinea pigs seems to be doing much better than the others. Ahem, that is, group B is doing better than group A!" Betty Johnson peered into the cage to see what it was that Dr. Randolph was looking at. To her surprise the pretty young assistant saw that the four guinea pigs who had been recipients of Dr. Adam Randolph's special combination of glandular extractions were furiously fornicating in the most incredible combinations.

Betty blushed at the sight in spite of herself and then checked her emotions, glancing sideways at the college professor to see if he had noticed her unscientific response. But to her consternation the pretty brunette saw that Dr. Randolph was leering in the most unprofessional manner. "Leering," definitely, and she would almost say, he was drooling as well! But even to think such a thing about the wise, well-thought-of scientist seemed almost sacrilegious. Even though Adam Randolph was not very old, forty-five at the most, he gave the appearance of an elderly man. His prematurely gray hair was partially responsible, and the rest of it was caused by his manner which was that of the absent-minded professor to the extreme.

For several evenings now, however, Betty Johnson had noticed a distinct difference in the professor's manner. He'd been muttering to himself for one thing. Not in the usual way, which she was used to, but in another, rather alarming way, his voice rising and falling in strange cadences as though he were having an argument with some invisible person.

Night work at the university laboratory had been pleasant for the attractive young graduate student up until now at any rate, and she felt herself privileged to be working with the renowned teacher and researcher.

But Betty had a distinct feeling of discomfort as she turned back to look into the cage. "But… but… that's not normal is it?" she inquired. "I mean, this is not the result you expected, surely, Dr. Randolph?" As far as Betty knew, Dr. Randolph was involved with studying the comparative blood-pressure rates of test animals when injected with different degrees of amphetamines.

"Of course, of course!" Randolph replied, his eyes glistening with a smoky lust as he regarded Miss Johnson. "Haven't you ever felt horny after taking a diet pill?"

"What?" The words had such an impact that Betty stepped back as though she'd been given a push. It might not have been nearly so bad if – being naturally inclined toward plumpness – the pretty brunette had not been the recipient of many of the different varieties of diet pills on the market. Not only that, but the 24 year old girl had noticed that she felt a very definite tingling, a kind of urgent longing in her loins, usually be the evening of the day which she had taken the pill. She had kept this information to herself, of course, and it was more than disturbing to find that her private feelings were more or less common knowledge.

"Don't tell me you've never felt horny, Miss Johnson! Come now, every young woman does. Every healthy young woman at any rate. There've been all sorts of studies. Surely you've heard of them!"

"Dr. Randolph! Really, are you quite sure… I mean I think I must be getting along home now." Betty backed steadily toward the door. She'd never seen Dr. Randolph looking so strange or heard him saying such awful things! It was so unsettling that the young woman stumbled against a table and knocked over a beaker of water which was used for the test animals. Flustered, she bent to pick up the broken beaker and attempted to mop up the water, realizing that Randolph was standing there looking at her uplifted buttocks all the while.

But Adam Randolph was muttering to himself again while watching his pretty young assistant scrambling about in an attempt to get the water up.