Shirley James

Daddy_s darling


With a huge erection pulsing his pants to remind him of voluptuous Sue Carson, Hamilton Burns waited by the telephone table. He was trying to get the nerve to do something he should have done a long time ago. "Damn it," he said to himself, "have some nerve, show her you're a man!" He paused for a moment to take a deep breath of determination, then he reached resolutely for the telephone receiver.

With a nervous finger he dialed a number, a number that was etched in his memory. For months now he's been itching to call it, longing to do what he dreamed about, but up until now he's never gotten the courage. Well, he'd waited long enough. Now was the time for some action. Tonight was the night when he'd manage to spread Sue Carson's reluctant thighs, and bury his big cock into her uptight cunt.

With his ear on the phone, he heard the phone on the other end of the line ringing. It rang again, then again, then again. Beads of sweat began to break out on Hamilton's forehead. Damn it to hell! He thought angrily. She's probably out right now, fucking every pimply-faced teenage stud in town. Just my damn luck, alright, he thought. I finally get the nerve to ask her out, and she's not even home.

Hamilton Burns heard the phone ring for the tenth time. He was about to hang up when he heard a click on the other end, and a sultry female voice was saying: "Hello?"

As soon as Hamilton heard that voice, he could picture the body it belonged to. He could see the firm, taut breasts, the trim rounded hips that curved so invitingly towards that gleaming treasure trove between her fleshy white thighs. Burns wanted that body, and just the thought of possessing it sent a delicious sensation running up and down his tingling spine. He could feel his cock flexing excitedly, itching to get out of his pants and into her cunt.

"Hello," the female voice repeated, and the sound of it snapped Hamilton back into reality. If he didn't say something soon, she would hang up, and then he'd have to start the whole process over again. He frantically searched his mind for an opener. He hadn't really figured out what he was going to say. He fell like a teenage kid all over again, asking a strange cheerleader to a prom.

Oh, my God, thought Hamilton. She's going to think I'm a heavy breather, or a pervert, and she's going to hang up! I better talk fast! He tapped the floor nervously with his foot.

"Ah, ah, hello, Miss Carson," the man stammered, hoping that the nervousness in his voice wouldn't be detectable over the telephone line. "This is, ah, this is Mr. Burns, your boss." His voice trailed pathetically away into thin air. Jesus, he thought to himself, I never thought I'd chicken out like this.

"Hello, Mr. Burns," said the female voice in the phone, "Is there something wrong? You usually don't call me at home, you wait until you see me at the office."

"I… I know," the man stammered. Hell, baby, you're never gonna get any pussy at this rate, he thought to himself. Seizing the bull by the horns, Hamilton Burns gulped out the lie as quickly as possible, so as to get it over with. "Miss Carson, I just found out that the budget figures for the Marcus account are completely wrong. Completely. You know as well as I do that if I don't have the budget on Mr. Peterson's desk at nine tomorrow morning it'll mean my job, and you'll be sent back to the secretarial pool I don't believe that either one of us can afford that."