Sid Farmer
Hot and horny weekend
Laura Wilson sat low in the steaming tub, letting the hot water whirlpool in the hidden crevices of her voluptuous young body. She blew playfully at the mounds of bubbles and scooped them up in her cupped hands, building small twin peaks on the dark brown areolas of her breasts, and then blowing them into hundreds of small translucent balls that crackled and popped furiously around her.
Stretching her smooth arms up above her head and stiffening her long, well-formed legs against the front of the tub, she raised her slim body halfway out of the water, and allowed it to run in small rivers down along the enticing lines of her soft young body. Her skin stretched tautly against her rib cage, further accentuating the curves that ran from her proud shoulders down to the slight jut of her pelvis that pointed out softly near the crest of her slender hips.
At twenty seven, Laura had lost none of the youthful and desirable form she had acquired as a teenager. Her body had kept its shape with exercise on the tennis courts or in swimming pools, and her face was still brightened by the same innocent excitement and exuberance that provided the cornerstone to her beauty. She had much to be proud of, and she was aware of that fact with an unpretentious satisfaction that showed in the way she moved and carried herself.
Leaning forward, Laura pulled the plug from the tub and allowed half the water to run out. Then she turned on the hot water tap to refill the tub, and poured two more capfuls of bubble bath into the water. It was only four-thirty in the afternoon, and she planned to soak for at least fifteen more minutes. This was going to be a special treat tonight, she thought to herself, as she leaned back again against the back of the tub. She and her husband Bill had been invited out that night by their next-door neighbors, George and Abby Farrington, and Laura was looking forward to it with unbounded excitement. It had been so long since she and Bill had been out. Of course, she knew her husband was very busy with his work; but still, Laura was the kind of person who needed excitement, who thrived on it, and the last few months had been almost torturous for her. Bill had been working twelve to eighteen hours a day, and when he came home he was usually so exhausted that he could only eat dinner and fall into bed. Laura had tried her best to reconcile herself to this state of affairs, but that was becoming increasingly difficult as time went on. She found herself yearning for the exciting days when they'd first been married, when everything was new and wonderful. She yearned for those days which, she was beginning to fear, were gone forever.
But no matter, the young blonde thought to herself as she eased back down into the scalding water. Tonight, at least, will be different. Perhaps her husband would see that he couldn't go on working himself to death as he was doing, that there was more to life than simply preparing for the future. There was the present, that had to be enjoyed and lived fully in order to stay healthy and sane.
Laura was curious, and also a little apprehensive, about the activities that had been planned for that evening. Abby Farrington had been over that morning for coffee, and said that they'd decided to go out to a topless nightclub about thirty minutes from their home in the suburb of Oak Park.
Born and raised with all the modesty the Midwest had to offer, Laura wasn't sure how she would react to the naked breasts of other women as they bobbed and swayed to psychedelic music in front of a large crowd of people. She felt she would be too embarrassed to stay through an entire show, but with all her courage she had tried to seem pleased when Abby had told her where they were going. George Farrington had already reserved a table, and since he was footing the bill, Laura didn't feel she could object.
Her thoughts were broken by the loud ringing of the telephone in the bedroom. She turned her head toward the open door, knowing for some unexplainable reason that it was her husband Bill calling. She lifted herself quickly from the tub, threw her robe around her shoulders and hurried to the bedside phone.
"Hello, darling," she said, cradling the receiver between her chin and shoulder.
"How did you know it was me?" Bill asked.