Stu E Boy

She Needs Some Pleasin'

Chapter 1

He was in a half daze. And as his mind cleared, reality came to him, bit by bit. Four walls, one window. And it was autumn, he knew that.

Connecticut, yes, he knew that much.

The door squeaked. Someone opening it. A woman… or a girl, who the hell knew which… and she said, "Hi, Mr. Jones." A white-white smile, and a pretty face, really. "How do I introduce myself? Well… let's just say I'm your… err… partner… " Her nostrils seemed to flare a bit, an exciting sight, even in his state.

She shut the door behind her, and in the same motion wet her lips, a naughty little tongue doing the job nicely.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Terri," and it was after she aid this that he noticed the long red-silk kimono that she wore. His penis came to life, for no good reason other than that. She put out her hand, and, not knowing what else to do, Bud Jones took it, folded his fingers around hers.

The silk material of her robe was held closed only by the weakness of a slim and white hand, revealing the milkiest, softest breasts he had ever imagined. His erection grew to a painful throb. He made his way to the couch, considering it a long distance from the bed, for those were the only two pieces of furniture in the therapy room.

She did not move, nor did she speak, for the moment that followed. "Terri?" he asked nervously.

"Oh, yes. We're not allowed to use our last names during sexual treatments." She moved her right foot forward, and Jones saw a lean and naked foot tentatively encased in a bedroom slipper.

"Are we…? I mean, are you… going to be the one… all the time?"