R W Finch
The night nurse
Most of the other nurses hated having to work the midnight to eight in the mowing shift, but I actually enjoyed it. It was usually quiet during that period and most of the male patients seemed to get really horny when I walked in on them at night like that. Not that I didn't have the kind of body men get horny over at any time, but they seemed more intense about it at night.
I couldn't blame them, really. They were cooped up in their rooms all day and I'm sure most of them thought about fucking even more than I did. And I was a sexy twenty-three-year-old blonde with tits that bounced around when I moved and an ass that caught every glance. Also, I guess it must have been obvious that I was always hot and horny for some reason, because the men would say things to me they never said to any of the other nurses. And, of course, I usually answered them with more than merely talk. The fact, is, I love fucking.
It was around three o'clock and I was making the rounds, peeking into each room on the second floor and making sure everything was as it should be. I got to Room 209, and when I opened the door, the young man sitting up in bed jumped when he saw me. He must have been admitted sometime during the day.
He turned all red and looked away self consciously. His hands were under the covers, and it didn't take much thinking on my part to figure out he was jacking off.
I said as sweetly as I could, "Well, what are you doing up this late? I'm going to be your night nurse and my name's Emily Barret. What's yours?"
"John Cramer," he said awkwardly, blushing all the more. The bulge of his stiffened cock under the covers was throbbing all over the place and he was trying to cover it up with his hands. "I was just reading… I couldn't sleep."
"What have you got under the covers there?" I asked, closing the door quietly behind me. I walked over to the bed and stood beside him, smiling all the while. "Is that the book you were reading?"
"Yes," he breathed, not meeting my eyes.
I took the corner of the blanket in one hand and flipped it back with a giggle. John Cramer jumped with surprise, but of course there was no way he could hide anything.
Both of his hands were tight around his cock, his cock hard and throbbing, the round head of it so swollen I thought it'd burst.