Robert Vickers
Virgin in bondage
"No, Michael, you shouldn't ask me to do that!" the red-haired girl exclaimed, forcing her boyfriend's hand down from her crotch. The hand had been slowly creeping higher and higher as their excitement mounted. She loved the taste of his lips crushing down hard against hers, but this was too much. She was only sixteen. She couldn't be expected to go all the way!
"Why not?"
"It's not right," she said primly, though it was hard for her. She was still breathing hard, her lush, ripe tits rising and falling heavily. The way her aroused nipples boldly pressed into the thin fabric of her blouse told the story. She was hot. She would fuck if he could only make her see a reason why not.
"Bullshit," he said forcefully. "What do you mean it's not right? It's the most natural thing in the world. Unless you really don't love me like you said. Were you lying to me?"
"No, Michael, not that. It's just that we should wait. Till after we're married."
"Goddamn, Sheryle, I never thought you would get caught up in that ancient mythology passed out by your old man. That fossil still thinks I should ask him for permission before we go out on a date. That's crap and you know it."
"Well…" she said, her resistance crumbling.
He acted while she was still indecisive. His hands pushed up the hem of her skirt revealing a mass of naked, creamy skin. How he loved Sheryle's legs! They were marvelous. And they would be even nicer when they were wrapped around his waist, his prick buried balls-deep up her cunt. He could feel his cock beginning to turn cartwheels in his pants. He'd have to get to work quick or he'd come too soon.
"Damn, so beautiful!" he exclaimed. He dropped to his knees and worked his way between her tensed legs. His agile tongue slithered up the inside of her soft, tender thigh, pushing directly for her snatch. Her white cotton panties had developed a telltale wet spot right where her cunt hole would be.
This was all the incentive he needed to keep go big. She'd give in. She would! And he would see if she was as hot and tight around his prick as he had imagined she would be. Hell, she might even be a virgin!