Robert Vickers
Easy office girl
"What do you think, Richard? Do you think the chickie up there looking all sweet and innocent sucks cock?"
"It's really hard to say," the other cameraman answered, just loud enough for the girl to hear. "I figure she might be a first-rate cocksucker. Look at the way her mouth gets all puckery. And those lips! Hell and damnation, man! Those have got to be the lips of a grade-A, ultra-prime cocksucking woman!"
Cheryl nervously shifted from one foot to the other. She didn't like either Dick or Jim, but she had to put up with them. They could do all sorts of horrid things to her if they wanted. Putting up with their crude comments was better than having them turn her green or yellow with their cameras. In spite of all their horsing around, they were good TV cameramen.
They knew their trade. And they loved trying to embarrass any of the newcomers.
Cheryl wished the little red light on the camera would blink. She wanted to get on the air, give the weather and get the hell out of the studio. She couldn't bear the thought of having to fend off those two wolves one more time. She'd only worked at the station for a week, and they hadn't ceased trying to pick her up.
She wandered what type of girl they thought she was.
"Imagine having her go down on you, those slender fingers slipping around your butt, diving down into your asshole. A cool finger sort of working its way in while those hot lips of hers started kissing your dick." Jim was really getting into it.
"Hey, guy, watch your language," snapped Dick. "I mean, you're around a real lady, not one of those whores you usually shack up with."
"Lady? A lady? When?" He began dollying in on Cheryl.
"Aw, come on! You can see she's a lady. Look at those legs. Can a whore have legs like those? Slender, trim, graceful. And you can see all the way up to mid-thigh. And what thighs! Enough to make a man hard just thinking about what's a few inches higher up and buried, huh?"