Robert Vickers
Daughter in bondage
"No, please not tonight, Daddy," Vicki said, struggling against her father's hand gripping so firmly on her inner thigh. In spite of herself she felt her cunt beginning to glow with soft inner warmth. Maybe it was the way he stroked up and down her legs. Or maybe it was the sight of his long, hard prick sticking out of his pajamas. Or maybe it was the fact they had been fucking for almost a year.
Father. Daughter. Incest.
That's the way it was and that's the way it seemed to Vicki it would always be. And she was getting tired of it.
"Why not, Vicki?" her father demanded.
"I don't feel like it, Daddy. I just don't. Not tonight."
"Not tonight," he mimicked. "I have a headache. I always have a headache, that's exactly what your mother used to say all the time. Why the hell not? Isn't your old man good enough for you any more?"
Vicki saw her father's face clouding with rage. She wasn't sure if he would get violent or not. He never had before.
But she had never gotten so damned sick and tired of having her very own father fucking her before, either.
She was young and she should have been going out and finding what life was all about. The teenager felt like she was living in a straitjacket all the time. No man but her father – or brother – ever came to her bed.
She had never fucked anyone but the two of them.