Robert Vickers

Breaking in the new girl


"Well, Miss Saunders," said the television station manager, "your qualifications are certainly in order."

Caroline Saunders felt uneasy at the way Dwight Bryon said that. She knew the man hadn't even looked at her resume. In fact, her resume was terrible. She had never really held any kind of a job before; this would be her first one. And, she'd have never even heard of this opening for an evening weathergirl, if her boyfriend hadn't put her on to it.

Caroline knew exactly what Bryon meant when he said her qualifications were in order. He couldn't keep his eyes off her tits as they swelled out against her sweater. She hadn't bothered to wear a bra to the interview and the lovely blonde knew her nipples were hardening as the man stared at her, almost slobbering.

Normally, the sexy young woman didn't mind men paying so much attention to her, but today she did. This was business. This was her very first job interview and she needed this job. Caroline needed it badly.

The girl crossed her legs and thought Dwight Bryon was going to come over the desk at her. She licked her lips nervously. Just like when she crossed her legs, the man interpreted this as a come-on. Caroline looked at him in wide eyed wonder. It wasn't that Mr. Bryon was so bad-looking. In fact, the lovely blonde found him to be very distinguished. He was about fifty, had grey hair that made him look more like a banker than a television executive, and, while he was on the heavy side, Caroline didn't find him fat – not at all. For a man old enough to be her father, he was in good shape.

The man's pale eyes worked over her body again, as if he'd missed something on the first or fortieth trips. Caroline had to sit and endure the examination still another time.

He obviously couldn't decide if he liked best the way the lovely blonde's tits bulged out so invitingly, or the smooth slenderness of her calves and legs, or her lovely, pale oval face haloed with honey-blonde hair. Or, maybe he liked it all.

"Look, Mr. Bryon, if you don't mind, can you give me some idea if I'm right for the job?"

"You come right to the point, Caroline. I may call you Caroline, can't I?" When she nodded and smiled slightly, he beamed at her. "Good! Yes, of course you're right for the job. What we need is a good, healthy, sexy woman in that position. And you're just right for it."

"I've got the job?" Caroline felt her heart ready to explode with excitement.