Richard Van Dorne
Ravished wife
Hobbling on one leg the fat hairy man bent to pull on one sock, too drunk to try holding onto the bed for support. He struggled, almost falling twice, but finally succeeded and put his foot down with a loud thump. As he looked for the other knee-length black sock he raised his head momentarily to grin at the sleek young girl who lay on the bed watching him.
You fat bastard, Paula Moore thought as she smiled back at him. She was relieved that he had turned his head away in search of his other sock, but not half as relieved as she would be when he left the room, after he put his money on the table, of course. She inhaled deeply on the cigarette she was holding. The money was the important thing, she thought. He can do anything he wants for money… and he had.
Paula could not ignore the burning pain that seared deep into her ravaged rectum. She hadn't been in the business long, but she was quickly learning the ways of "johns" who were willing to pay a girl for any perverted obscene pleasures they desired. This fat ugly man who now sat on the floor had not been the first to demand something unusual of her. Some had forced her to submit to fellatio or cunnilingus, while others had begged her to be cruel to them, beating them with a various assortment of instruments they had provided.
True, he hadn't been the first, but his demands had been the worst, she thought as she watched him crawling around the floor looking for his shorts his huge belly almost touching the carpet. It took an ugly man to do such an ugly thing, her thoughts continued. Paula could still feel the pain of the slap he had given her when he had demanded that she do as he ordered. How terrible it had been, how animalistic when he had turned her over and suddenly thrust his finger brutally into the tight virginal ring of her anus.
Paula tried to force the horrible picture from her mind but could not. She remembered screaming with fear as much as pain when he had first violated her. That was when he had slapped her with his wide flat hand. She had tried to get away, but he had thrown her back onto the large bed and had told her to shut up or she would get even worse.
Worse, she thought. What could have been worse than having that depraved creature force his fat stubby prick into me like that?
The throbbing in her rectum would not relent and she wished that he would hurry and leave. She inhaled again on the long cigarette, watching him pulling on his shorts while he bent over, unable to touch his toes because of the huge mass of flesh that he called his overpaid stomach. Lucky for me, she thought, that his prick hadn't been any bigger, or he might have really hurt me. She nearly laughed as she looked at the tiny bump in his shorts. At least Jed was a man in that respect, but in no other respect.
Paula Moore had experienced many emotions during the first nineteen years of her life, but the strongest was hate. Two men shared the distinction of being hated by Paula. The first was her boss, Wade Jackson, but the second, the one who had caused all her misfortune was Jed Dearborn.
Paula could not forget Jed for a moment, not even while she watched the drunken man hobbling around the room with one leg in his trousers, unable to gain his balance to put the other pantleg over his flabby calf.
She remembered the homespun restaurant in Davenport, Iowa where she had waited on tables and helped clean the kitchen for ten hours a day after her parents had died when she was just barely eighteen. She had received a few thousand dollars from the insurance company, but by the time all the debts were settled she had less than three thousand left and had gone to work so that she could continue her schooling.