Ray Todd
The Senator_s playmate
Kim Sterling and her roommate, Joan Colman, were sitting in their small Washington, D.C., apartment, discussing the ever-popular subject of boys. Life was a big beautiful bubble for the two young girls who were on their own for the first time in their lives. Both girls had recently graduated from high school in the Midwest and had come out to Washington, thrilled at the thought of working in the nation's capital. Joan's uncle, a minor official in the State Department had arranged jobs for the girls in the steno pool before they ever left home. When they arrived, he and Joan's aunt had helped them settle into an apartment he'd located for them near where they were to work.
Living away from the watchful eyes of their parents for the first time, the girls were giddily looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. If the girls were a bit naive about the ways of the big city, they certainly weren't lacking in knowledge of sex. Kim had lost her cherry in a cornfield, and Joan had been introduced into the world of cocks when she let the high-school basketball team gang-bang her.
The result was that both of them enjoyed fucking and openly admitted it. When they first arrived in the capital city, the girls were quickly invited out by the young men who worked for the department. This whirl of parties and men continued until Kim met a young newspaper reporter named Bob Wallace.
Bob, a big handsome fellow in his late twenties had walked up and introduced himself to Kim one evening when she was at a discotheque with a group of young people. Being only eighteen, Kim thought the big rugged blond was the most sophisticated man she'd ever met. The girl readily gave him her phone number when he asked for it, and was in seventh heaven when he called her a few days later. They went out to dinner and a movie, and Kim hadn't dated anyone but Bob since that night.
"Is Bob coming over this evening?" Joan asked as the two girls sat sprawled out on a sofa in their apartment.
"I think so," Kim beamed, throwing back her long blonde hair. "He's not on the night beat this week."
"He sure works crazy hours," smiled Joan. "That would drive me crazy."
"That's a reporter's life," Kim giggled. "He's got to meet his deadlines."
Kim was a beautiful radiant girl with long blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. She had a soft, cuddly figure and a pair of big lush tits that she didn't bother to hide with a bra. They always bounced and rolled deliciously under her sweaters and blouses.
Joan was a slimmer girl with boobs a bit smaller than Kim's, but they thrust out hard and firm, capped with big oversized nipples that always pressed excitingly against the material of her tight clothes. In contrast to Kim's blonde hair, Joan's long dark tresses streamed down to the middle of her back. Both girls knew they had lovely legs and wore short dresses to show them to advantage.