Ray Todd
The principals naughty girls
It was a brisk Saturday morning, and little Cindy was pissed off at the whole fucking world as she trudged along the dusty road that led to the farmhouse where she lived with her uncle and his seventeen-year-old daughter, Julie. Cindy was a city girl at heart, and she hated everything about this shit-kicking place.
Because her widowed father had just remarried and wanted to honeymoon alone with his new wife for a few months, he'd sent Cindy to live with her uncle for one school semester. Her Uncle Karl lived on this small farm, and he was the high school principal in this rural community.
As a pretty youngster of fourteen, Cindy sorely missed all the excitement of pretty new clothes and parties back home. The local 4-H club certainly offered nothing that interested her. She was accustomed to the lifestyle of her friends in the city, and the local boys seemed coarse to her with all the horseshit on their boots. Because there wasn't much else to do, most kids of her age were fucking in the bushes for entertainment. Cindy wanted no part of that scene.
The girl had no friends in school, and her cousin, Julie, was too busy with all her boyfriends to spend any time with Cindy. At seventeen, her pretty blonde cousin was a cheerleader at the local high school and couldn't seem to think about anything but boys.
Cindy couldn't understand why her uncle kept the farmhouse in such disrepair. Not only were the steps broken, but it didn't look like it had been painted in twenty years. Thinking that her uncle had driven Julie into town to do the weekly shopping as he did every Saturday, Cindy entered the house and slowly walked down the hall to her room.
Cindy was startled when she heard shrill giggles coming from her uncle's bedroom. Peering through the open crack of the door, she was completely stunned to see her uncle and Julie spread out, completely naked on the bed. She could hardly believe her eyes when she saw Julie stroking his big hard cock. Cindy had never seen a man's cock before, and the sight of her uncle's big throbbing boner was the most terrifying thing she'd ever seen. She couldn't imagine how anything that huge could possibly fit into a girl's little pussy.
Spread out side by side on their backs, Julie was lazily skimming his cock-skin up and down over his thick naked cock while the man lovingly caressed her swollen nipples with his fingers.
"Oh, darling," he whispered. "I just love your sweet little body."
"And I love this beautiful big prick," giggled Julie, giving his cock an affectionate squeeze.
Cindy saw Julie lean over and slowly lower her face toward his prick, her nostrils flaring from the exciting male aroma that was steaming up from his drooling cockhead. It almost seemed unreal as her beautiful blonde cousin flicked her tongue out and swiped it across his big purple knob. Unable to believe that a girl could possibly touch a man's pissy prick with her tongue, Cindy almost puked on the hallway floor.