Ray Todd
The farmer niece
Walking home from school with Roy Evans, Angela Blackwell's juicy little pussy was itching to be fucked. Angela felt certain that the shy young man was still a virgin. It was the handsome boy's shyness that had attracted Angela to him. For the past several weeks she'd tried to seduce Roy, but to no avail. There was nothing in the world that Angela enjoyed as much as screwing, and Roy's shyness about sex was almost ruining what otherwise was a great relationship. This was the last day of school, and as they walked home, they were discussing the long summer ahead. Roy was talking about picnics and swimming parties, and Angela was thinking about fucking.
When they got to Angela's house, she invited him in for a Coke, knowing that her mother wouldn't be home until evening. Leading him into the kitchen, Angela was hoping that she might be able to turn him on in the privacy of her home. Roy was always very affectionate with the girl, but she could never get him beyond the kissing stage.
"Let's go in the den and play some records," Angela suggested when they'd opened their Cokes.
"Okay," he smiled, following her down the hall.
Walking behind the girl, his cock was tingling wildly in his jeans as he stared at her cute wiggly ass and her bare shapely legs beneath her short skirt. Roy had never fucked a girl, but every time he was around Angela, he was dying to screw her.
He was glad that she couldn't read his mind because he was certain that she'd slap his face if she knew what he was thinking. Roy knew that boys didn't fuck nice girls like Angela, but God how he'd like to screw the pretty little blonde. She made him so horny that sometimes he thought of going down on Taylor Street and using a whore, but he was too bashful to approach one.
Entering the den, Angela first put some records on the stereo and then joined Roy on the sofa.
"Gee, honey," she grinned. "I'm so happy school's out for the summer."