Ray Todd
Orgy school
Beautiful fifteen-year-old Sharon Parker felt her cunt-juices flowing as she sat in the living room with her mother and father, waiting for Lance to pick her up for the movies. There was a certain tension in the room because Sharon was leaving tomorrow to spend the summer at Ridgewood Ladies Academy, an exclusive summer school for girls. The main purpose of the academy was to turn out little ladies with impeccable manners and tastes.
Bob Parker, Sharon's father, knew how much the young girl hated the idea of spending the summer at Ridgewood, but his wife, Nadine, had been very insistent that she attend. Nadine was an exceptionally beautiful woman in her mid-thirties with long dark hair and big violet eyes. She was a fantastic social climber who was constantly pushing Sharon against her will. In her zest for what she called "social superiority", she completely neglected her husband's sex needs, and as a result, Bob had been turning more and more to call girls in recent years.
"Gee, Mom," sighed Sharon as she waited for Lance to arrive. "I wish I didn't have to go to that dumb place tomorrow."
"It's not a dumb place," her mother insisted. "Girls from all the best families attend, and someday you'll thank us for giving you such a wonderful opportunity."
"There's Lance now," beamed Sharon, jumping to her feet when she heard his horn.
"Sharon!" her mother snapped. "Sit back down in that chair! Gentlemen come to the door to fetch their ladies…"
"Oh, Mom," whined the girl. "People don't act that way any more."
When Sharon didn't come out after he'd honked the horn for the third time, Lance finally walked up to the door.
"Bob," Nadine said as she turned to her husband when the bell rang, "I think it would be nice for you to receive him."