Ray Todd

Horny little daughter


This was a vacation that Barry and Fran Hardin had looked forward to for a long time. Their dream of spending a month in Hawaii had finally come true.

Fran was standing the balcony, looking out at the brilliant reds and golds of the breathtaking sunset that filled the western sky. The trade winds that had been blowing all afternoon had dropped and the tropical evening air was calm and warm. Wearing a light summer dress, the beautiful woman with her long dark hair certainly didn't look thirty-five.

Looking down from the balcony of their horseshoe-shaped condominium, she could see her children splashing around in the pool below. Her son, Pat, was a tall teenager with a fine athletic body and a handsome young face. Her daughter, Becky, was a little younger, blonde, with big blue eyes.

Fran had been more or less responsible for raising the two children because her husband, Barry, was an archeologist who was always traveling to remote parts of the world. With the long separations in their marriage, they had drifted apart, and both of them were hoping this vacation could bring them closer together.

Looking at the blazing tropical sunset, Fran her thoughts drift back to Fred Warner in Oregon.

Unknown to her husband, Fran had been welcoming their mutual friend, Fred, into her bed for the past two years when Barry was gone. It had been extremely lonesome for Fran and Barry out of the country so much, and without Fred, the highly sexual woman would have lost her mind. As an old friend of the family, her children were never suspicious when Fred was always hanging around the house.

Shortly before Barry returned from South America earlier this month, Fred had asked Fran if she might consider divorcing her husband and marrying him.

"I just don't know," she had told her lover. "I'm very fond of you but, after all, Barry is the father of our children."

"Yes," he had argued. "But what kind of a father? He's gone most of the time, leaving you to raise them on your own."

Because of Fred's constant persuasion, Fran had finally decided to ask Barry for a divorce when he got home. But when her husband had arrived and suggested that the family take a vacation in Hawaii for a month, she had decided to give their marriage one more chance before giving it up. They had only been here a few days, and even with their children along, it was like a second honeymoon for both Fran and Barry.