Ray Todd
Eager hot daughter
Diane Baily was filled with pride as she sat watching her lovely daughter, Heather. Heather had large, expressive blue eyes and silky blonde hair that fell far below her well tanned shoulders. As the girl stood up for a moment, her mother was struck, as always, by her young daughter's lovely body. Heather's flat, tanned tummy and narrow waist served to emphasize the firm roundness of her cute ass and the generous size of her tits.
Staring at the lovely young woman, Diane Baily hoped the girl's future would be more fulfilling than her own dull existence. Not that Diane had a bad life, but she always had a nagging feeling that some how, some way, there was something missing. Her husband, Roger Baily, was a handsome man and an exceptionally good provider, yet Diane wanted something more, although she didn't know exactly what it was.
She supposed that their sex life was as normal as anyone else's, but it wasn't quite what Diane wanted. She'd always anticipated that something sensational would happen when they fucked, but when it was over and Roger fell asleep, she always felt empty and restless.
She never experienced the flashing lights and bells with her orgasm that she'd often heard about, and had finally decided that they were only in people's imaginations. She realized what, a fine man her husband was, and she had Heather and young. Billy. Diane knew she should be contented and happy, yet she wasn't.
"Hi, Dad," smiled Heather when her father entered the room.
The young girl had a deep love and respect for her father, and as far as she was concerned, there wasn't another man in the world as handsome or as wonderful as her daddy. That's why she'd been attracted to her current boyfriend, Vic Webster. He had the same thick wavy hair as her father, and Heather couldn't wait for the day when Vic's temples would be flecked with gray, too.
"Hello, honey," he beamed at her. "Are you staying home this evening?"
"Nope," the girl replied. "I'm going out with Vic for a while. But I'll be home early."
"Where's Billy?" her father asked, turning his attention to his wife.
"He's at a Boy Scout meeting," she smiled. The conversation was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a car horn.