Ray Todd
Dirty little girl
Sitting quietly on the step, Libby anxiously looked down the dark road, waiting for the headlights of Billy Jefferson's pickup. Billy drove out to her mother's cafe every Thursday night so that Libby could suck him off.
Although only eighteen years old, for the past few years Libby had been charging the local boys two dollars for a blow job. She didn't know how much money she had collected over that time, but she had two large cans stuffed with dollars, dimes and quarters hidden under a loose floor board in the pantry.
She was dimly aware that she could make a lot more money letting older men fuck her, but she wasn't all that interested in fucking. She really enjoyed sucking off those hard young cock though.
The only person that she had really wanted to screw was Big Red, who was out in the house trailer behind the cafe with her mother. From the first time he had swaggered into the diner, Libby had dreamed of going to bed with this big handsome truck driver. She could never understand why he paid her mother for a piece of ass every Thursday when he drove through town. Little Libby was absolutely certain that almost every woman and girl in the world would give a piece of ass to Big Red for nothing.
As long as Libby could remember, sex had been a normal function in their home. Since she had been a baby, there had been a constant flow of men through her mother's bed. Some stayed only overnight, others stayed for weeks or months, and Jim Crawford, whom she really liked, lived with them for over a year until her mother threw him out when she found him screwing Libby.
Libby had first been initiated into sex by a dishwasher. He was a skinny old red-faced man who had promised to buy her a pony if she would let him fuck her, and, being a very practical little girl, she agreed.
Libby remembered how the old man had shaken and trembled with anticipation when she spread her naked little body out on the pantry floor. When his prick made contact with the warm outer skin of her virginal cunt, he became so excited that his tick, sticky jizz gushed out all over her stomach. The old man had sat down and cried like a hysterical child.
It had hurt like hell when he finally penetrated her pussy the next day, but because of another quick ejaculation, his limp wet cock soon slipped out.
He told her that the pony had been ordered and should arrive any day. Every morning she would go to the kitchen and ask if her pony had come, and he always said that it would probably be there tomorrow; then, taking her by the hand, he would lead her back into the pantry. Later that summer when Libby went into the kitchen to ask about the pony, her mother told her that the old dishwasher had packed his meager belongings and left during the night. Libby's new pony was never delivered.
Libby had never seen her father, but her mother had always told her what a grand gentleman he was.