Ron Taylor
X-rated mother
Stacy Talbot came out of the building, buttoning up her fuzzy coat as she walked. A cold winter wind blew across the campus. God, why hadn't she gone someplace warm, like Miami or UCLA or even Hawaii? Amherst was such a bitch in the winter, but she only had one more year. That was a consolation.
"Stace!" someone called, and she turned to see who it might be.
"Oh, hi, Don," she said.
He swept her up in his arms and spun her around, heels flying in the air, before he put her down and kissed her. She liked Don. He was strong as a bear and just as cuddly.
"I missed you, so I decided to cut class and scour the campus in search of your body," he leered, his breath frosty in the chill air. He looked so funny when he wanted to be naughty.
"What do you want to do?" she asked as they walked.
"I want to do you," he replied, very sincere. "I want to spread your nude body on a bearskin rug, smear you with honey and whipped cream, and then lick it all away."
"I've had that done before," Stacy said. "It's no big deal. And it's kinda messy. Why don't we just go somewhere and screw?"
"You've convinced me."
She was in the mood to be balled. It had been a rotten week, even if this was only Tuesday, and maybe a good fuck would lift her out of the dumps she'd been in. And she was in the mood for a guy, too. Don was one of three people on campus Stacy was currently tight with. He didn't know about the other two, both of whom were girls.