Rex Taylor
Turned on family
"Good night," Robin called, but Jamie didn't answer. Just the swishing of her skirt, the pattering of her shoes on the staircase. Robin shrugged. What a creepy little bitch!
She went to the window, staring out at the rain that fell in torrents. Everything was a bitch lately. Like right now. A rain like this one made her expect to see an ark floating down the Hocking River.
It was a rotten Friday all around. A fucking bastard from the word go. She hadn't counted on babysitting tonight, but what else was there? Everyone in town had to know by now that she and Dennis had broken up, but not one guy had invited her out. Normally she and Bonnie would go cruising in the van on a dateless Friday, but not this evening. Bonnie had a houseful of relatives from West Virginia and she had to stay home. Well at least she'd be earning some money tonight instead of sitting in her room playing with her cunt.
Mrs. Willis had called her after supper to offer the job. It was a wedding anniversary or something she and her husband were going out, would be gone all night and they needed a sitter to take care of Jamie. They'd just gotten a last minute cancellation from the other sitter and it was worth twenty dollars to them if Robin took the job.
Robin shook her head and saw it reflected in the window. She'd supposed Jamie Willis was just a little girl, like all the other kids she babysat with. Why shouldn't she think that? Who would hire a babysitter for a girl pushing fourteen? Mrs. Willis, that's who. And Jamie was definitely pissed off. She'd been surly, uncommunicative, and a real pain in the ass.
It must be hell, Robin thought, to be so blatantly pubescent and still be treated like a little kid. She turned around, staring at the group portrait of the Willises that hung above the fireplace. Her eyes drifted across the Willis children as they stared solemnly from the picture. Jamie's bow shaped mouth was set in a poutish defiance, her pert young tits were thrust saucily forward and she had her hands fisted in her lap. Beside her stood her brother Sean, a cute boy. He was dark-haired and dark-eyed, like all the rest of the family, and there was an almost feminine softness to his features.
Robin turned away from the photo and yawned, realizing how tired she was. There was no reason to put off going to bed any longer. She locked the door, turned out the lights, and went up the stairs.
The loud blare of a stereo assaulted her ears as she passed Jamie's bedroom door. She considered asking the girl to turn it down a bit, but decided against it. The Stones were on now, and they were one of her favorite groups. She could go to sleep even if they were rattling down the house around her.