R T Masters
Naughty hot nun
"Oooooh, fuck me, honey! Uuuuuuugh! You know what I like!"
It can't be! Sister Angela thought, pressing her ear to the door of the Reverend Mother's office.
"You're really hot, mama, really hot!" came the reply in a deep masculine voice.
That clinched it. Sister Angela had to see what was going on! She clutched her notebook tightly to her chest and made her way to the meeting room next to the Mother Superior's office. She knew there was a large grilled air vent there that could give her an excellent view inside the closed room. She tried the door and discovered that it was open.
"Fuckooooooh, yeah! I love it! Stick it in me. Yesssssss… Stick your big hunk of cock up my cunt! Jesus, Mary and Joseph your prick looks so damned good!" the Mother Superior was gasping and groaning.
My God! That's the lewdest language I've ever heard! Sister Angela thought as she sidled up to the fine mesh over the vent and looked through.
Sister Angela very nearly fainted at what she saw. There was Mother Mary, standing in the middle of the room, stark naked, gyrating her hips and combing her fingers through her very thick thatch of dark cunt hair. Her incredibly huge tits were covered with a fine film of perspiration, her long nipples sticking out stiffly. Her short, deep-brown hair which Sister Angela had never seen before contrasted with her clear, light complexion and the sharp, attractive lines of her face that were now twisted with passion.
She was stunned by the older woman's startling attractiveness. She had always thought of the woman as a very stern but fair leader. But now Sister Angela felt an unusual tingling in her pussy. It was a sort of itchy, hot sensation. Thick drops of cunt juice began to seep from between her cunt lips, staining the crotch of the plain cotton panties she wore under her habit.
Without thinking, she lowered her hand to her crotch and started rubbing her cunt mound through the heavy layers of her long, severe grown while she watched the lewd scene in front of her.
At last, the figure of the man with the Mother Superior came into view, and Sister Angela gasped and began to rub her pussy mound even harder, her cunt lips chafing against the dampened material of her panties.