Ray Strong
Orgy cousin
"What's with this sucking urge of yours?" Buddy asked. "There was a time you couldn't stand the idea of putting a cock in your mouth, and now, all of a sudden you're going wild to blow me."
"Call it middle-age mania," Susan replied. "I'm forty now, about to go through the change of life, and I'm not in the mood to have you stick it into me bare, like you always want. So I want to suck? What's so bad about that?"
"Nothin'," Buddy assured her. "But how d'you expect to come, yourself?"
"There are ways," the attractive, five-foot, three-inch woman told him, her bare tits thrusting out invitingly.
"Yeah," her chunky husband nodded, "but we don't have time. I me my when I do something, I like to do it right."
"We have enough time for you to move that mustache of yours through my cunt," she snapped. "The party doesn't begin until ten. It's only nine, right now. We can dress and be on our way all in a matter of ten minutes. In the meantime, let's ball it up a little. I feel horny tonight."
"Come on, Susan," he said. "I have to take a shower, yet."
"So let's do it in the shower."
She pinched the spare tire around his waist, and it annoyed him. She was forty, but had a body any twenty-year-old would still envy. She had boys ranging in age from nineteen to seventeen to fifteen, and many times people thought she was Buddy's daughter rather than his wife. He looked his age, forty-two. But be was a virile, masculine forty-two. Susan looked almost fifteen years younger.
"I'm just not in the mood," he told her, his limp cock dangling four inches down, swinging from side to side with his heavy balls as he walked. "Besides, I want to save it for tonight. I mean, it's our annual Cousin's Club meeting, and it's always a wild meeting."