Renee Stevens

Driven Into Swapping



It was indeed difficult for Trudy Roberts to listen to the woman who was speaking on women's rights. However, she had to admit there was a lot of truth in what she said.

"Ladies," Marion Jones began, "tonight I am talking to you on the subject of sex. Too long women have been put down by their husbands. Too long it has been an assumption that men have sexual rights that women can know nothing of. Too long men have gone on about the fact that they have sexual needs that women don't have. Now, at last the truth is out. Women have sexual feelings too.

Women have aggressive sexual tendencies, when they allow them to exist."

There was a noticeable amount of whispering going around now, as the women's rights leader continued.

When the meeting was over, Trudy Roberts went home happily to her husband and informed him what she thought of the meeting.

"Well, Vince," she smiled, "I've been to a marvelous meeting tonight."

"Are you still going to that damned action group?" he shot back at her.

"Yes," she said. "And until tonight I never realized how mistreated I have been by you."