Ruby Rhapsody
Perverted Passions
Chapter 1
Every sensual muscle in her sleek body in motion, Katt MacNeil swung out of the Cessna and padded across the sand in the blazing noonday heat.
The tall, leggy blonde was used to ignoring the scorching desert sun a well as the admiring stares from a few local males. There were not many fair-haired women to be found among the sand dunes in the Indian Desert.
Eyes alert for her husband's tall, lean form, Katt strode to the fingerprint-smudged door, and went in out of the sun. But it was even hotter inside and smelled stale and rancid.
With relief she saw a trail of dust in the distance. A few seconds later, Sandor, her husband's driver, stopped the jeep in a cloud of dust and bounded out.
Feeling an incredible letdown because her husband hadn't met her, Katt shoved the door open and went out.
Loading her bags in the back of the jeep, Sandor looked up and saw her.
His grin was broad and welcoming in his dark face.
At least somebody was glad to see her, she thought irritably.