Rod Long
In Sexual Pursuit
Chapter 1
Man, that cousin of ours is some fine-looking cunt." Young, dark-haired Bernardo Mendosa said to his older brother as they stepped up on the broken-down porch of their house. "She can fuck too. I mean the way that little bitch screws, you'd think she was addicted to cocks!"
"Bernardo, you know that the girl is not yet out of her teens," his older brother said seriously, not used to hearing his younger brother talking that way, especially about a young girl he was supposed to marry.
Bernardo had been sent up to New York three months ago to meet his father's cousins, the only other members of the Mendosa family to have escaped from Cuba. Most of the others had either been imprisoned or executed. It had been the dream of the heads of the American Mendosas to reunite the family by marrying the youngest of the Miami Mendosa family to the daughter of the cousins in New York.
Bernardo had apparently gotten to know more about his fiancee in those months than he should have been allowed to. But the girl seemed to have been the one to have initiated the move for him to fuck her. She might be just the right, over-sexed little vixen Bernardo would need to keep him interested in her until they were married.
Their father had dreamed of such a marriage for so long and he, Salvador Mendosa, was going to make sure that Bernardo carried out his father's wishes.
They had reached the door now, and Salvador fumbled in his pocket for the house keys. He always locked the door of the house, no matter who was at home, because the leaders of the Morros, the most feared street gang in the city, had to always watch their backs. Even their own houses and kin were not safe from attack.
Both Mendosa boys were proud to be members of the Morros, a gang started by their father when he had first arrived in the States from Cuba. Times had been hard on Cubans in those days. Fleeing their country, having to leave behind relatives and property. They got their freedom all right, that was the reason they had fled Cuba, and they embraced it with their souls, but they had to pay a price, to some a terrible price. Leonardo, the boys' father, had been one of the lucky ones, but still he had had to fight out his existence, live from day to day and hope that tomorrow would not be his last, for the Cubans were a minority and because of their limited numbers and their differences, they were easy targets for the larger groups such as the Puerto Ricans or the Blacks.
Finally, after much suffering at the hands of the other street gangs, Leonardo had gotten together with some of his young Cuban friends and formed a street gang of their own. They had chosen their name carefully, realizing that it would be the strength of their group. They had named themselves the Morros, the Spanish word for Arab, after the Arabs who had conquered through rape and pillage the country of their ancestors, Spain, during its long and bloody history. It was the Morros's turn now to conquer this new land that they had chosen until they too would be accepted as one of its own people.