Paul Gable
Beach girl in bondage
"How'd you like to stick somethin' hot and hard into that wet little cunt?"
The words rang out like a shot in the still summer air. Camey Williams flushed red, sitting up from her beach blanket and glaring at the weightlifter who'd just spoken. No one had ever talked to her like that, used such foul language about her! And yet the petite teenaged blonde knew she'd asked for it. Her mother had warned her about that string bikini and the kind of men who'd be watching her.
"You're a young woman, Camey, you've got to realize it," her mother had said as Camey was walking from the house with the blanket under one arm. "You just can't dress like that."
The words fell on deaf ears. Camey was proud of her firm, high-riding tits and her boyish, narrow thighs. Sometimes after a hot shower the young teen would stand naked in the middle of the bathroom and stare into the steam-fogged mirror. How strange it had been to watch her own body change so rapidly, developed so completely into that of a young woman! Her flesh had become smoother, while her nipples had turned a darker red. And how odd it had been to see that tender, sensitive spot between her legs gradually become covered with soft curly down. At times she put her finger there, touching the tiny bead of her clit. A small shock would usually cut through her loins, making her suck in a shuddery breath. But she felt it was wrong to do something like that and she would beg God for forgiveness.
And yet later she would find herself standing in the bathroom once more, her young body aroused, tingling with life and sexuality. And once again she'd move her hand down to that warm soft little mound, pressing her shaking hand against it, drinking in that funny feeling while the room swam around her.
"Yet, man, she'd probably cry when I stuck my cock in she's so fuckin' hot."
That was it! Camey shot an angry glance at the two men wearing only brief bathing suits, and started gathering up her books and beach materials. She'd been sunning herself near the weightlifting pen on Venice Beach, watching some of the men flexing their muscles and pumping iron.
Watching their arm and leg muscles tense and bulge as they pulled the barbells high above their broad shoulders made Camey feel that hot, tight, itchy feeling tingle through her body again.
The tallest weightlifter with the jet-black hair especially excited her. She tried not to stare. But when he riveted his dark-blue eyes on her as he pumped three hundred pounds Camey felt her body turn to butter. It was a game, she thought as she licked her lips and fell back across her blanket. She let her legs go apart just enough so the tiny bikini was tight against her cunt. She was sure that from where the weightlifter was he could see the soft curve of her virginal cuntal mound. She felt so hot and moist down there. It was almost as if that tiny sex spindle she'd jerked and pushed only the night before was actually glowing.
Camey hadn't realized teasing a man like this would work her up. But she was excited! Something like this had never happened to her before. But then she'd never posed almost nude in front of a man, almost exposing her pussy to him in public!